Category: Car Accidents

What happens after an accident involving an Uber or Lyft Driver?

Car accidents can be confusing and challenging to sort out, but getting in a car accident involving a driver for a ride-sharing company like Uber or Lyft (either as a passenger, or driver of another vehicle) can add additional confusion to the situation.  The good news is that your task immediately after the accident is the same:  If you are able, document the accident with photos (of the vehicle damage, any injuries, and the surrounding roadway/intersection), talk to and get contact info for witnesses, and obtain the medical care you need, making sure to follow your MD’s orders throughout your treatment.    It is always wise to speak with an Asheville Personal Injury Attorney, to help determine the best course of action, and to ensu[...]

After an Accident, Beware of Delayed Symptoms

In 2015, North Carolina reported approximately 251,638 traffic crashes were reported, of which almost 124,000 people were injured. This was an increase of 11.1% from the previous year,  according to the North Carolina 2015 Traffic Crash Facts, put out by the NCDOT. Delayed Onset of Symptoms Drivers and passengers often display obvious signs of injury after severe automobile accidents, but sometimes individuals involved in traffic crashes do not exhibit these symptoms until hours or days later. If you have been involved in a major or minor traffic crash, you should be aware that an injury could have occurred for which you are not yet symptomatic.   It is common that an accident victim thinks they are uninjured at the time of the crash, [...]

How to Get Your Lost Wages Covered After an Accident.     

After a severe accident and disabling injury, you will likely have medical bills that need to be paid, as well as damage to your vehicle for which you’ll be seeking compensation for.   If you were employed at the time of the accident, you can also make a lost wage claim to get compensated for the work you missed, due to your inability to perform your normal job.  It is not uncommon for someone to miss a day or even a week of work following an accident, but what if its several weeks, or more?  Some individuals will have sick pay or vacation days to draw from, but an experienced personal injury lawyer can help make sure that those responsible for your crash are held accountable.  Necessary Lost Wage Documentation In order for you to [...]

Delayed Injury Symptoms After an Accident

In 2015, the NCDOT reported that 251,638 traffic accidents occurred in North Carolina, of which 123,589 people were injured.   This is an 11% increase from the previous year.    In some accidents, injuries sustained by drivers and passengers are obvious, and their symptoms are evident right away.  However, in some cases, notably sprains and strains of the neck and back (classified as soft tissue injuries), symptoms and issues can arise over hours or even days, and may not be evident at the accident scene.    Be mindful after an accident A car accident, even if it seems minor in nature, can have delayed onset of symptoms and injuries, and you’ll want to be careful how you proceed from the time of the accident.  If you think it[...]

How Do I Get a Rental Car After My Car Accident?

After a car accident, it is likely that your vehicle is damaged or totaled and that you find yourself in need of a rental car, so that you can manage your daily obligations.   If your vehicle is unable to be driven, you’re probably wondering who is responsible for paying for your rental car? When is the insurance company is going to pay for your repairs?  If your car is totaled, when are they going to send you a check so you can buy a new car? Rental Cars and Insurance First things first, check your auto insurance policy and see if your insurance provides rental car coverage.   This is included in some policies, and an optional add-on for other policies that provides you a rental car for use after an accident, if your vehicle is[...]

What Documents Do I Need to Build a Case for My Insurance Claim?

They key to making sure you’re properly compensated for an accident claim with an auto insurance is being organized, and having all of the necessary documentation in its place. In order to demonstrate to an insurance adjuster that your accident happened, and that your injuries are legitimate, you will need to provide certain pieces of information and documentation.  Without some of this information, and insurance company can and will poke holes in your claim and find ways to diminish the value of, or deny your claim altogether.   The following are some of the documents you will want to have on hand to submit along with your claim: Accident Report Make sure you get a copy of your North Carolina Accident report that was generated either[...]

5 steps to ensure that your claim is secure

If you’ve ever been involved in a car crash, you’ll know that it’s hard to think clearly immediately afterwards, particularly if you’ve been injured in any way.  The trauma and surprise of being in an accident can be overwhelming and disorienting.  As a result, many people fail to document important things that can come back to bite them later when they try to recover money from an insurance company for their medical bills or car damage.  Here are the 5 most important things to do to properly investigate the accident so you won’t get screwed by the insurance company later on down the road. Take photographs of every vehicle involved in the crash   This is easy with your smartphone.  Take pictures from every angle that shows[...]

My claim was denied based on “Contributory Negligence”.  What does that mean?

In North Carolina, when you are injured because someone else was negligent, the negligent person is liable for all of the consequences of your injuries.  A typical example is when you are hit by another vehicle on the road.  The person who crashes into you is responsible for your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.  The car insurance company for the at fault driver will contact you and evaluate your claim.  Sometimes the insurance adjuster will deny your claim because of “contributory negligence”.  What does that mean? How does Contributory Negligence work? Contributory negligence is a North Carolina law that says that if you “contribute” to your own injuries, even if only a tiny bit, you cannot recover from the[...]

I’ve Just Been in a Car Accident, What Should I Do Now? (VIDEO)

Watch Video: I've just been in car accident, what should I do now? Asheville Car Accident Lawyer Lakota R. Denton explains what you should do in the immediate aftermath of a car accident, to help ensure that you don't get taken advantage of by an insurance company.  This video contains some of Lakota's tips, based on having dealt with hundreds of car accident victims in Western North Carolina. Video transcript: My name is Lakota Denton, and I’m a personal injury lawyer in Asheville, North Carolina. A lot of times I get calls from people who have just been involved in a car accident, and they want to know, “what should I do right away? What should I do immediately after the car accident?” I’m going to talk to you about some impor[...]

Asheville’s Most Dangerous Roads, Part 3: South Tunnel Road (VIDEO)

In part 3 of our "Asheville's most dangerous roads" series, Attorney Lakota R. Denton examines Asheville’s most dangerous roads and intersections, as outlined by data from the NC DOT. Attorney Denton urges drivers in Asheville to Slow Down, to help us keep Asheville safe and walkable for our citizens, children and pets. Watch Video: Ashevilles Most Dangerous Roads: South Tunnel Rd Video transcript: Hi, I’m attorney Lakota Denton, creator of the Slow Down Asheville campaign. And as part of our series of “Asheville’s most dangerous roads”, I want to talk to you about an intersection at South Tunnel Rd. and Swannanoa River Rd. And this is a very dangerous intersection for a number reasons. There is a high incidence of pedestria[...]