Category: Car Accidents

The First Steps to Take After a Car Accident

What to Do and Why After a Car Accident The stressful nature of automobile collisions makes it difficult for many people to think clearly about the next steps to take after a car accident. However, the unfortunate reality of these situations is that everything you do can complicate your car accident claim later. Here’s what to do in the first moments, hours, and days after a car accident.  Call the Police Immediately North Carolina law states that you must notify the police of car accidents that: cause injury cause more than $1,000 in property damage involve an impaired driver involve someone driving without a license or with a revoked license, or involve an uninsured driver If any one of these circumstances describes [...]

Small Claims Auto Accident 101: Writing a Demand Letter

This is part one of a two-part series on what to expect when you’re handling a small claims auto accident case. The first post covers the first steps in dealing with your small claims case, from collecting evidence at the scene of the accident to documenting your injuries and treatment. This post will cover writing your demand letter and negotiating with the insurance adjuster. How to Negotiate a Small Claims Auto Accident Without an Attorney After your doctors have determined you have fully recovered from your accident, you will have to write a demand letter to the at-fault driver’s insurance company. You should have all of your medical bills and records from the dates of treatment related to your injury. This will allow you to make [...]

Small Claims Auto Accident 101: First Steps

This is part one of a two-part series on what to expect when you’re handling a small claims auto accident case. The first post covers the first steps in dealing with your case, from collecting evidence at the scene of the accident to documenting your injuries and treatment. The second post will cover writing your demand letter and negotiating with the insurance adjuster. How to Handle a Small Claims Car Accident Occasionally, potential clients come in to my Asheville personal injury law firm asking for advice on a car accident claim that they could easily handle on their own. It often surprises people when I recommend dealing with small claims auto accident cases without an attorney. This is usually a complex process, but it can be done[...]

How to Pay Medical Bills After a Car Accident

What to Do About North Carolina Car Accident Medical Bills Asheville residents who have been involved in car accidents are faced with many problems once they’ve been discharged from the hospital. The question that plagues everyone is about how to pay medical bills after a car accident. The at-fault driver’s insurance company will not pay for any of your treatment costs until there is a settlement agreement, which could leave you on the hook for your bills – for now. Ideally, you will obtain a settlement from the at-fault driver’s insurance company to compensate for all your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses you had to pay because of your accident. However, you generally won’t be able to reach a settlement until you h[...]

Are Personal Injury Settlements Taxable Income

What Makes Personal Injury Settlements Taxable? The vague feelings of dread that accompany tax season might be especially intense if you’re wondering if your personal injury settlement is taxable. Federal tax laws specifically address what circumstances make personal injury settlements taxable. The good news is that you may not have to pay taxes on a personal injury settlement. However, the bad news is that there are a few circumstances where the IRS may be entitled to some of what you receive from the insurance company. The IRS website has more information on personal injury settlements and federal taxes. Most Personal Injury Settlements Are Not Taxable Settlements arising from physical injury are generally not taxed. Settlemen[...]

6 Ways You Can Use Your Smartphone To Collect Car Accident Evidence – INFOGRAPHIC

Getting in a car accident is an overwhelming experience, to say the least.   Even if you're not injured, the chances are good that you can be shaken up and disoriented in the moments immediately following, and in that state it's easy to forget information that you need to remember at a later date.  Luckily for you, you likely have one of the most powerful tools available for collecting the evidence that you may need down the road:  your smartphone. With your phone, you can take pictures, write notes with names and contact info, record statements,  and possibly even contact your insurance carrier, if they offer a smartphone app (which many now do).    Its important to collect information at the time of the crash for several reasons: [...]

What Should I Do If I Witness A Car Accident?

Most people want to do the right thing and be of assistance when they witness an accident. However, it’s easy to get confused in the chaos of a crash scene, and doing the wrong thing can even result in someone getting hurt. If you're unsure of how to help, here’s what you should do if you witness an accident.   Get to safety It’s important to get yourself out of the way of any potential hazards first. Make sure your car is out of the wat by stopping on the shoulder at least 100 feet away from where the accident took place. This will keep you away from any flames, broken glass, fuel leaks, or other dangers. It will also leave room for emergency vehicles so they don’t have to maneuver around your car to get to the injured victi[...]

What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

One of the first questions most people have about filing a personal injury claim is how much their car accident case is worth. After all, no one wants to talk to an insurance adjuster or go to court unless they know they have a case worth pursuing. Unfortunately, attorneys don't have a magic equation to determine what your case is worth. The value of a claim depends on many variables. All of these variables determine how much a jury would award you, if your case went to court. The insurance company’s goal is to keep your case out of court, and to minimize the amount they have to pay you. Because of this, they constantly consider what a jury’s opinion of you and your injuries might be. The adjuster will make an offer based on how they [...]

Dealing With an Insurance Adjuster

If you’ve been in an accident, one of the first phone calls you get will probably be from an insurance adjuster. They have a reputation for calling car accident victims immediately after a crash, in many cases when the victim is still being treated in the ER.   While they may frame their call as though they are concerned and just want to check on you and see if you're OK, they are generally looking for info they can use to minimize the severity of your claim.  It is their job to do all they can, to make sure they pay out as little as possible for insurance claims. This may be a (slight) exaggeration, but the truth is that insurance adjusters are difficult to deal with by design. They are overworked, underpaid, and given one mission: [...]

Can I settle a car accident without a lawyer?

When You Can Handle Your Car Accident Case Alone? Mention a personal injury lawyer to the average person and you’ll get a reaction that is, to put it mildly, negative. (Don’t worry, we don’t take it too personally.) However, if you’ve been injured in a crash, you may have considered calling an attorney for advice about whether or not you should settle a car accident with the insurance company. In many cases, accident victims can work directly with insurance adjusters to reach settlements on their own. It’s usually more cost-effective to negotiate simple claims yourself. Here are a few circumstances where you probably don’t need to call a lawyer about your accident. Your Accident Bills are Less than $2,500 Accidents that resu[...]