Category: Personal Injury Law

Questions About Asheville Personal Injury Law

Lakota R. Denton is an Asheville Personal Injury Attorney who can help you with any questions you might have related to personal injury law, personal injury settlements and everything else related to personal injury cases in North Carolina. What is Personal Injury Law? Personal injury law refers to the legal remedies and defenses involved in civil lawsuits brought as a result of wrongful conduct. In fact, the word "tort" comes from a Latin term meaning twist, wrong, or harm. In contrast to criminal law, a tort action does not involve the government prosecuting the wrongdoer. Rather, these legal cases involve a private plaintiff seeking compensation (usually cash) for the harm caused by the defendant's actions.  What is Definition [...]

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Why Your Personal Injury Suit is Taking So Long to Settle

How Long Does it Take to Settle a Personal Injury Claim? One of the most pressing issues Asheville car accident victims face is how long it takes to settle a personal injury claim. If you’ve been injured in an accident, you probably have a lot of expenses and debt already, especially if your injuries were severe. There is no specific answer to how long a case will take to resolve, but there are a variety of factors that could extend the amount of time you’ll have to spend on your claim. Here are a few of these factors. You’re still healing from your injuries Long recovery periods might be one reason your personal injury suit is taking so long to settle. Some accident victims take years to reach maximum medical improvement (MMI), a[...]

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Personal Injury Pain and Suffering Calculator

PERSONAL INJURY SETTLEMENT CALCULATOR If you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence, your Asheville personal injury lawyer can help you recover money that you deserve by law. This settlement usually will include payment for your medical bills, lost wages, and something called “pain and suffering.“ Calculations for medical bills and lost wages are usually very easy – if you have a $5,000 medical bill, the at-fault party owes you $5,000 to pay for that bill. But monetary damages for physical pain and mental suffering are much more difficult and subjective to calculate. This pain and suffering settlement calculator discusses some of the factors that help determine the compensatory value of physic[...]

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8 Steps to Maximize Value of Personal Injury Settlement

Maximize the Value of your Personal Injury Settlement (2019) If you’ve ever been injured by someone else, whether from a car crash, or from some other kind of negligence, you will know that recovering money for your injuries can be a long, complicated process.  North Carolina law states that when you are injured because of someone else’s negligence, you are entitled to certain “damages”, or money for your injuries.  These include things like payment for any medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.  Making sure you are fairly and fully compensated for these damages is usually the work of a personal inury lawyer.  Whether you are settling a personal injury claim without a lawyer, or with a lawyer, here’s how to maxim[...]

How To Get a Copy of An Asheville Accident Report

In the aftermath of an Asheville car or truck accident, one of the pieces of information you will want to collect is a copy of the official accident report from the motor vehicle crash.   How to get an Asheville car accident police report online? This is one of many questions you might ask after being involved in an Asheville motor vehicle accident. Other questions might be "How long does it take to get a car accident police report ?",  "How do you read a car accident police report?" or "How long do you have to file a police report after a car accident".   Asheville car accident attorney Lakota R. Denton can help you with getting the police report from your automobile or truck accident. Get Your Crash Report Online How do I get an[...]

Top Causes of Big Rig and Truck Accidents

In 2019, 4,119 lives were lost in large truck crashes in the United States. This number represents a slight decline from the 2018 figure of 4,164. Unfortunately, in North Carolina, things are quite similar. The state is home to a considerable number of truck accidents, according to the NC Department of Transportation. In 2019, the NC DOT showed there were over 15,000 truck accidents in the state, with 4,759 attributed to tractor or semi-trailer trucks. Because of their size and weight, accidents with this type of vehicle can be catastrophic. In fact, this one category resulted in over 1,100 injuries and 61 deaths. If you have been involved in a North Carolina commercial trucking accident or 18-wheeler big rig truck wreck, contact[...]

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What Should I Expect From My First Meeting With a Personal Injury Lawyer?

In the aftermath of a serious accident, one of the choices you will have to make is whether or not to find an Asheville personal injury lawyer for a free consultation.   Often, clients will meet with several different accident attorneys to decide which attorney is the best fit for them, and discuss their case.  Here is what you should expect from those initial meetings. Meeting Your Personal Injury Lawyer When you come into an attorneys office after scheduling an appointment, you will meet with the attorney and explain what happened in your accident in detail.  Almost every personal injury lawyer charges on a "contingency basis" meaning that you only pay out of whatever they can recover for you in a settlement or jury verdict.  As [...]

What to do Immediately Following a Car Accident

Being involved in an Asheville, North Carolina car accident is a very stressful experience, particularly if you are injured in the accident, or if someone in your automobile or SUV was injured.  It can be very difficult to think clearly in those early moments when your body is in shock and your brain is flooded with adrenaline. Motor vehicle accident lawyer Lakota Denton answers many questions related to Asheville car accidents and what your options are after an accident.  Simple car accidents can often be handled between you and the insurance company for the at-fault driver, but more complicated accidents involving severe injuries, property damage, permanent injury or questions of fault can require the assistance of an experienced perso[...]

5 Top Things to Investigate After Car Accident (Infographic)

What to do after a car accident in Asheville, North Carolina Being involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident can be a traumatic event. Some of the questions that we get about being involved in a car accident or about what to do after a car accident are "What do I do right after an Asheville car accident?", "What to do after a car accident that is my fault" or "What to do after a car accident that is not my fault", as well as questions like "What to do after a minor car accident" or "what happens if someone else is driving my car and gets in an accident". Asheville North Carolina Car Accident Lawyer Lakota Denton has handled numerous motor vehicle accident claims and if you’ve ever been involved in a car wreck or truck accident, you’ll know[...]

Tips to Ensure Your Safety On the Road

Asheville Auto Accident Attorney Lakota Denton Have you ever wondered why insurance companies offer better rates for more experienced drivers and higher premiums for young drivers with less experience behind the wheel?  Statistically speaking, a young man is more likely to get in a wreck than a middle-aged woman, and their insurance premiums will reflect this.  For example, it is not uncommon to see a first-time young male driver quoted upwards of $200/mo. for auto insurance. Conversely, a middle-aged driver with a clean driving history can get much better rates, based on their history and the demographic bracket they fall into. Insurance companies are assessing their risk, as they’re basically agreeing to be financially responsible fo[...]