Category: Personal Injury Law

How to Investigate a Car Accident for Your Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been involved in a car crash, it is important to perform your own investigation of what happened, regardless of whether or not the police perform their own investigation. If you do not, you can be at the mercy of an insurance company’s investigation that may find you at fault, even if you were not. If you’ve been injured, you have even more reason to investigate the accident, so you can recover personal injury damages from the at fault driver. Here’s how to perform a proper investigation: Take photographs Immediately after the crash, take photographs of all the vehicles involved (not just yours) and the area where the crash occurred. If you are too injured to take photos, have a friend or a witness take them. Your came[...]

How to Find a Good Personal Injury Lawyer

Searching for a good lawyer to handle your personal injury claim? Like any other profession, there are good lawyers, bad lawyers, and a few horrible and great ones as well. Personal injury lawyers come in all forms – from the stereotypical lawyer who wants to get some money quick – to the victim advocate who will fight hard for your right to be compensated from an injury that was not your fault.   Here’s how to tell the difference: Hire a local personal injury lawyer. Many, many lawyers will advertise that they can handle your personal injury claim and that they have offices all over the state, including your town. Do not accept this at face value. Check and see if that firm has an attorney in your town, or if its just an office [...]